Verslag met foto’s van onze laatste zendingsreis

Napak ten noorden van Oeganda is met zijn verzengende temperaturen de meest droge en armste regio van het land. De mensen die er leven worden als outcasts beschouwd en behandeld. Ze zijn op zichzelf aangewezen terwijl deze regio is geplunderd en verarmt door oorlogen en geteisterd door epidemieën waaronder het HIV virus dat nog steeds...Continue reading

Sister Ronah

The story of Atwongyeire Ronah, Project Coordinator Street Children Rehabilitation Project Kisoro, Uganda. This is my eighth year working with the street children of Koinonia. I am happily married and blessed with 2 good-looking sons. I consider it a privilege to be part of the Koinonia team in Uganda. The unity and good cooperation among...Continue reading

Keihangwe Jovia

Keihangwe Jovia is 32 years old and has been working with Koinonia for 12 years. I started in 2008 as a matron and was promoted to a coordinator later on and I currently serve as the national project coordinator. l was single when I started and had just graduated from school. Today I am married...

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