Dear reader,

After many years of working behind the scenes, I became more and more involved and connected with Koinonia, and in particular with the street children in Uganda. My name betrays my Spanish roots, and that piece contributes to my passionate nature. For example, my heart for the street children grew bigger and bigger, until I took the step to include one of the Koinonia Kids in my family by taking care of him financially.
Our family was now one child, and after a while 4 children, richer… This is not evident for a single mother with a small income, but looking at their situation, I feel rich; so rich that I enjoy sharing that wealth with them. My own children have learned to make that space in their lives as well. They do not feel deprived; on the contrary, their contentment is increasing and this is wealth in its own.
It is a privilege to work with a team of people, who open up their hearts for those who are the least in the society. Each one, limited in his own ability, but together, capable of great things… That is how we can say to these children in word and deed: I love you!
My appreciation goes to all who took responsibility for the children in Uganda before me. Because of their commitment, persistence and the unceasing trust in God, we stand with the team and our sponsors where we are today.
May God bless you abundantly as you bless our children.
Carmen Correas
Project coordinator | Koinonia vzw