Napak ten noorden van Oeganda is met zijn verzengende temperaturen de meest droge en armste regio van het land. De mensen die er leven worden als outcasts beschouwd en behandeld. Ze zijn op zichzelf aangewezen terwijl deze regio is geplunderd en verarmt door oorlogen en geteisterd door epidemieën waaronder het HIV virus dat nog steeds...Continue reading
Category: Building Project
Building Project Kabale – part 2 Update
Just a few moments ago we were happy to show you a nice overview, of the started work on the future new house in Kabale. Today we have taken another step forward, and we can see that what was once a beautiful plan, is taking shape at a steady pace. Just as a baby takes...Continue reading
Building Project Kabale – Update
Overview of the started construction works in Kabale. It’s time!With the last missionary trip in March, meetings were held at a high level. The concrete steps for the start of the new house in Kabale are laid out and discussed around the the table. What long stood as a blueprint design on paper will now...Continue reading
Consultations and plans for the construction of the future boarding school
Consultations and plans for the construction of the future boarding school with infrastructure in Kabale. We hope and pray that when we come back in August there will be progress on the sleeping and living conditions for the boys.