Napak north of Uganda, with its scorching temperatures, is the most arid and poorest region in the country. The people living there are regarded and treated as outcasts. They are left to fend for themselves while this region has been looted and impoverished by wars and ravaged by epidemics including the HIV virus that still...Continue reading
Author: Administrator - Editor
4000 Children forced by human traffickers
4,000 children from Northern Uganda (between 4 and 18 years old) have been brought to the capital by human traffickers. There they are forced to beg every day. Exploited and abused, they never get the life that was promised to them. The police try to get them off the street, but there is nowhere for...
The photos show some of our boys working to pimp up the piggery. After many years of use it was more than necessary and these 3 skillful guys went to work with great pleasure and thorough consultation. Not only to the joy of the stable residents but even more to the care coordinator sr Ronah...Continue reading
A joyful day in Kisoro!
Het nieuwe jaar werd feestelijk ingezet door deze 9 trotse studenten en dat willen we graag met jullie delen. De goede voornemens genomen in 2022, om zich in te zetten en zo de naaicursus met glans te voleindigen hebben ze volbracht. Graag wilden deze jonge dames hun blijdschap delen met het bestuur maar ook met...
Report on Hope Festival 2022
Works of love are never in vain. Though the full outcome may not be obvious at once, they are collected to yield an even greater harvest later on.During every Hoop Festival a lot of work is done by many people. The revenue and attendance can hardly compensate such efforts. Yet we see a grace that continues...Continue reading
Nieuwsbrief 2022
BOUW EEN TOEKOMST MET ONS! Lochoro Chuman groet u uit Uganda. Ze glimlacht omdat er armen zijn die haar omringden toen het leven haar helemaal neerhaalde. Ik hou van u en dank u dat u voor me zorgt en me steunt om te studeren. Lochoro werd thuis het slachtoffer van verkrachting tijdens de lockdown en schaamde zich om...Continue reading
A note of thanks to Ethiopian Airlines!
Ethiopian Airlines have also been warm-hearted towards our children and we would gladly like to mention that and give credit where credit is due. Several times we have been able to enjoy some extra pieces of much-needed luggage, so we can provide all of our kids with the clothes saved up in Belgium without too...Continue reading
Will you join us on a mission to Uganda?
Will you join us on a mission to Uganda from where you are now? 🌏✈ These are some of the many children we support with food, education and other necessary things. They used to be street children, they were exposed to all kinds of abuse and other dangers, they lived from day to day. Some...Continue reading
Napak, a forgotten world.
A short report from Napak, located in the North of Uganda. These girls were found back after a long search by the local Koinonia team, so happy! They are motivated by Sr Jovia and the local person in charge to return home and wait patiently for the schools to open again. That is good news and...Continue reading