Ethiopian Airlines have also been warm-hearted towards our children and we would gladly like to mention that and give credit where credit is due. Several times we have been able to enjoy some extra pieces of much-needed luggage, so we can provide all of our kids with the clothes saved up in Belgium without too many extra costs. All small and large acts of charity are much needed and so precious!

We would also like to thank all the lovely people who have donated us their clothes, you have made our children very happy!

We would like to call for our new initiative, “Sale2Save”, which was created in response to the financial needs that are currently arising.

Small children grow up!
Small children small costs , big children big costs, something recognizable to all of us.
In Uganda, education is not free and is, due to the poor living conditions of the majority of the population, expensive. While the sponsorship money comfortably covers the costs of students enrolled in primary schools, a high school education costs on average double the sponsorship amount. Students following a higher education take up three times the sponsorship amount.
A simple calculation shows that funds are needed if we want to continue to guarantee the children the chance of an education.
The Koinonia team in Belgium has put its heads together to tackle this need, and thus Sale2Save was born!
A regular clothing sale where the proceeds will be used to generate the necessary funds. You too can help, if you have nice clothes or small household items in good condition, you can bring them to our office in Antwerp on set days of the week.
If you have any questions, we will be happy to give you more information in a personal meeting. Tel 04 847 264 57.